Friday, February 4, 2011

More scans and visits to the nice Doctor

We have a large amount of snow and I like snow. Unfortunately, it pushed some of my appointments back, but seeing it makes me quite happy and I played in it some. It was also great to see the neighborhood unified all out digging out their cars and clearing alleys. We have great neighbors.

The latest news hasn't changed much, but I expect to get a call in the next couple of hours confirming my PET scan tomorrow (Saturday). I have my heart scan on Monday and I will have my port put in on Wednesday. For not having a car when Christy is away winning us bread the hard way it takes some clever planning and leaning on kind friends and family to get there 3 times a week, but I'm very thankful for the prompt scheduling. Also, last night I was afraid of another poor night's sleep due to some rib/back discomfort of recent, but 3 ibuprofen and some prayer later we slept very well and I feel wonderful today.

In our meeting with the oncologist we planned on working towards starting chemotherapy on the 15th of Feb. This is why we're doing all the scans. The specific chemo is called ABVD and is very common in the treatment of Hodgkins Lymphoma. As I currently understand it, we will have a PET scan then 3 months (6 doses) of Chemo, then another PET scan and work from there.

Thanks again for your prayers and kind words! More to follow...


  1. Braden, you've been on our minds and in our prayers all day today since we got your email. We are so saddened to hear of this latest life turn and want to do everything we can to help carry you through. Praise God for early detection and smart doctors! We send our love, hugs, and prayers.


  2. Hey guys, thinking of you two... I'm sure it must've been really cool to see everything inside you (from your last post) :) Fascinating. Enjoy the snow and every morning when you wake up take a deep breath and remember that HE IS YOUR HEALER AND YOUR STRENGTH and smile. Love you two and will continue praying with you. I am so glad you have people around so that you never feel alone.
    Peace, Love and Hugs.
