Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Happy Easter!

Hi all. We realized it’s been a while since our last update. We have started month 3 of chemo (Braden went in last Thursday, and is almost fully recovered now!). We were hoping this would be our last month, but sadly, the insurance company decided that it was too soon for the PET scan to show any change in the cancer, so they denied paying for the PET scan for at least another month. I’m still unclear on how the insurance company has final say in our treatment instead of our doctor, but that’s the way it is. Right now, we’re hoping that they will cover the PET scan in May, so that we can know how much longer we have for treatment. We’re pretty sure Braden is cancer free now (based only on intuition and hope) but we need the scans to confirm it.

We had a good time recently, during my spring break. Even though Braden was sick for almost all of it, thanks to a bad bratwurst, it was nice to spend time together. We went to the zoo on Wednesday and hung out with some lions. Lions are pretty good at curing cancer.

Now we’re back to regular schedule and looking forward to the end of the school year, when we’ll be done with 13-year-olds for a while, done with cancer FOREVER, and off on some crazy summer adventures. I’m trying to convince Braden that we should drive to Alaska and go moose wrestling, but we’ll probably only make it as far as my mom’s casa in the Seattle area.

Thanks, as always for your prayers and support! We have the best friends and family ever.


  1. Boo: Insurance companies
    YAY! Braden potentially being CANCER-FREE!!!!
    Boo: Sickness

    Miss you guys and praying for you daily! <3

  2. Moose wrestling! Can I come and watch?

  3. If you DO drive to Alaska, you should make a stop in Calgary so I can see you!
