Thursday, May 19, 2011

Two updates in one day! Someone must have been very well behaved.

We found out today near the end of Braden's chemo session that our PET scan has finally been approved by the insurance! This means that we'll be able to confirm that cancer has left the building, and we can go about our business (yes, I know I mixed my references). This is a HUGE answer to prayer since we've been waiting for this to signal the end of our treatment so we can start our kick-butt summer plans.

In other news, my students started the hugest food-fight ever recorded in the history of our elementary school. It began, as far as we could tell, with a student deciding to toss his entire tray in the air (full of food and beverages), and see if he could catch it without spilling anything. He failed. This is why 7th graders are awesome!

Thanks, as always, for your prayers and support! We're looking forward to our end-of-cancer party!

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