Thursday, January 27, 2011


First off, thank you everyone for your amazing support!  We have felt so loved during this time! 

We met with the ENT doctor (Ears, Nose, Throat) this morning to see the results of Braden's full-body CT scan last week.  We were trying to determine how much, or if, the cancer had spread.  According to the CT pics, there are several nodes along the sternum-area, and in the neck that are also cancerous. Luckily, it hasn't spread below the diaphragm, which is the main separating-thingy between the upper and lower body parts.  This means that we caught things early and have a much higher poop-on-cancer chance then if it had spread lower.  Praise God for no cancer below the diaphragm! 

We meet with the Oncologist on Monday to talk about test results, and set up treatments. Hopefully we'll be able to get Braden in right away to start whatever it is we need to start.  We are also pursuing a second opinion. Unfortunately our health insurance is quite restrictive on where they will send us, and will not cover us outside of a very small network.

In other news, we might be able to use this extra time together (Christy is taking days off to go with Braden to the doctor) to finally get rid of our Christmas tree, which has now lost all it's needles.

Thanks again for all your support and love!  We'll update again Monday, after we know next steps.


                                                 * In case you forgot what we look like!


  1. Hooray for being early staging!
    Your Christmas tree will be dearly missed.

  2. Braden and Christy, I am a long time friend of Brad and Brita and family, when we lived in Ames. She updated me last week as we stayed with them for several days. We have been praying and will continue to follow your blog! The mind of man plans his way, but the Lord directs his a verse that has encouraged us a lot over the past few years! I am glad for all the support you have!! Eager to hear your wild adventure as it unfolds!

  3. I'm glad you are feeling loved during this time--but I hope you know you are loved most of the rest of the time, too! j/k, I mean all of the time...

    Good job keeping all the cancer in the same area, Braden, that was good planning.

    Have a great weekend, you two!

  4. YEA "high poop-on-cancer" chance! Thanks for keeping us updated so we can know how to pray more specifically!

